Our group members share the things they are thankful for

I am thankful that I still have my mother with me.
Rafael of My Tiny Studio

Things for which I am thankful:
* That my life isn't perfect - that way I can make a list of things for which I am thankful.
* My children's laughter that makes me smile
* A warm bed on cold nights (it's a little lumpy, but it's mine)
* My parents who are my best friends and who taught me about the gifts of laughter and mercy toward others
* A place to call home
* Hope
* My dogs who jump up and down EVERY time I come home (who else does that?)
* A true appreciation of one another in this group and the different things we bring to the WSOAPP buffet table
* Mostly for my personal relationship with the LORD who loves me with an incomprehensible love even though I don't deserve it
* No matter what is going on around me that my attitude is still ALWAYS my choice...that is freedom
* Make-up!!
With a heart of gratitude for ALL the good gifts in my life that are too numerous to write,

Karen of Love You Cherishables

I am most thankful for my health and my family’s health------all the WAY around the BLOCK and back again!
My children---I am thankful that they are good to themselves and to others----
My circles of people that surround me when I need surrounding and hug me daily with their smiley faces and humor----you people know who you are--and I love you
Hair color ---not that I need it--ha-ha---but I know it is there in case I do---thanks to Loreal
At my age---a great pair of jeans that make me look 10 lbs lighter----I haven't found those yet--but when I do---I will be very thankful
Wonderful warm scented candles----they make me happy
Flavored Yummy Lip Gloss has GOT to make the list

Renee of Birchberry Farms

I am thankful for the good LORD that loves me unconditionally and has blessed my family with good health, a comfortable home with all of the modern conveniences, plenty of food for sharing and our sweet loving animals. I am thankful that I live in a beautiful part of the country in the United States of America. I am thankful for my friends in this wonderful group and all over the world and I am especially thankful for my computer, Big Molly, that makes all of this communication possible.

Edna/Plum Thicket Primitives

I am so thankful for the Lord..he has always been there to hold my hand during very hard times..
I'm thankful for my darling husband Gene..The Wind Beneath my wings
I'm thankful for my 3 darling children and 2 grand-daughters.
I'm thankful for my love of art and dreams
I'm thankful for rain..soft warm rain on the roof
I'm thankful I had for 5 short years my Pekingese Toby Nicholas..he will always be with me
and I'm thankful for my precious lil Peggy Sue Cavalier spaniel who gives me love now
I'm very thankful to our troops..and our Country
and oh so many more wonderful things in my life...

Donna of Cameo Moon

I am thankful for my supportive hubby and son-they are the best!! Of course, I'm thankful for the rest of my family!
I'm also thankful for being blessed with the gift to create :o)
I'm also thankful for all my wonderful customers :o)

Lorraine of Piecake primitives

I am thankful for my Lord, who loves me unconditionally!! and for his forgiveness of my imperfections.
I am thankful for my wonderful husband of 33 years, he is my solid rock!
I am thankful for my three Children and Son-in-Law, as they inspire me like no other!
I am thankful for being a 21 year "C" survivor!
I am thankful for my Mom and Dad who taught me patience, love and perseverance!
I am thankful for my job, a car to get me there and a paycheck each week.
I am thankful for the positives and negatives in everyday living that can only come from my Lord!
I am thankful for my friendships in my personal life and here in our wonderful group!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Lynnie of Addie Hattie Prims

I am thankful for my husband who lets me stay at home and do what I love to do...
I am thankful for my good health and my hubby’s and our 8 kittys too..
I am thankful for the purrs I get in the middle of the night...
I am thankful for the lord and his guidance in helping to choose the right..
I am thankful for all the wonderful people I have met blogging, online that I have never met but have made me feel welcome...big hugs to you all..
I am thankful for the wonderful group of goof balls I call friends here at WSOAPP...
I am thankful for the "kid" moments I still get when Charlie Brown comes on T.V.
I am thankful to be alive and having my free agency...
Thank You!

Gina of Cat Nap Inn

am thankful for my precious Arianna. I am thankful for good friends.Long phone calls with my best friend.Still being able to laugh in spite of troubled times.I am thankful for my husband and children and the blessings they have been in my life.I am thankful for my mothers influence in all things. I am thankful for knowing that I have been loved and am loved.I am thankful for my wonderful nephews who help me constantly and come running the minute I call.I am thankful for big family dinners around my table and back yard bar b ques with much laughter and good memories.
Cindy at Pywackit Primitives

I am thankful that churning butter, making soap and growing veggies and herbs are choices and not chores;
I love that I can be choosy about what I wear, and not have to make my clothes out of necessity;
I love cold water, and appreciate that I don't have to lug it, and can drink as much as I like, whenever I like
that my sons and nephews have not yet had to face war;
that I can run, or walk where ever I like, or ski if I want to;
that I can see deer grazing in my yard, turkies courting, and the bird feeder loaded with birds;
that I can hear the sound of the loon, cardinals chirping and the Bard Owl in the distance;
that my mom survived a heart attack and triple bypass surgery, while my dad died during heart surgery;
that I have a job to go to, and a home to call my own;
that I have a lawn to mow, and a garden to weed;
that my grandparents met each other, fell in love, survived the great depression and lived to be in their 80's;
that I was priveledged to have been born in America~

Sam of Gollywobbles

I am thankful for my Lord who lights my path and still comes to find me when I wander off...I am thankful that He has blessed me with a wonderful husband and four beautiful children.I am thankful that I have more than millions of people around the world will have in their entire lifetimes.I am thankful for the difficult times that helped me to learn that God never leaves me, or forsakes me, and that those times helped me grow.I am thankful that I remember that each day is a gift, and to try not to waste it.I am thankful for good friends both near and far.I am thankful to be An American.

Mindy of Pine Hollow Primitives

I am thankful for my Lord and all of the blessings He continually unfolds in my life, eventhough I'm undeserving.

I am thankful for my family and for our quiet, rural life.

Many things have changed through the last 100 years, sons have become fathers, fathers have become grandfathers and times have modernized, but the only thing that has not changed is our name on the mailbox!I am thankful for my best friend and lifemate, my husband of 17 years. I am thankful for the greatest earthly blessing in our lives; our 7 year old son who loves life to the fullest and allows us to see it through his sweet eyes.I am thankful for LIFE! Having been a cancer survivor for 7 years now, I take each day as a gift and a blessing from above. I'm thankful for our home and for the large dinner table we have been blessed with; for many of our neighbors, friends and family always gather with us for meals and fellowship.I am thankful for the freedoms we enjoy in this great nation and for the brave men and women who have shed their blood for it; now and in centuries past.

Mare at Oak Hollow Primitives

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